The weather is so lovely it's really hard to think about working on the inside of the house. I feel the need to stop at every nursery and home improvement store and cruise for plants! I also wish I had taken the time to dig up every last rose at my old house. Although since at least 1 died in the process, perhaps my estimation that it would be simpler to spend $15 buying replacements was a better use of time and money. But Maggie survived the journey! Actually, until it bloomed I thought it was souvenir de la malmaison. Which means sdlm did not survive the journey!
I learned from the last house that I didn't want to put the vegetable garden at the back of the yard (especially now that our yard is so deep), because it's a pain to water and I'm so lazy I'd think "oh my god there is no way I can walk 50 feet to pick an eggplant." So this year it's right next to the back door! And much smaller, since my vegetable gardening skills are rather weak. Here is a before pic of the garden bed left by previous owners.
Actually, no, here is a super before pic, before we bought the house, featuring our real estate agent Casey:
And here are the afters!
I've got the following herbs:
rosemary (which I hate)
italian parsley
The following citrus trees:
mexican lime
mandarin orange
meyer lemon
The following vegetables:
3 tomato plants (even though I generally have zero luck with tomatoes)
jalapeno pepper
Wish me luck. Emmit and Ringo love to eat the lemongrass. That stuff has razor sharp blades, it's got to cut their tongues. I hope it gets a chance to get established before they go to town. Emmit's not so sure he can wait.
Nice list of plants! I'm digging up my teensy-tiny plot this year. My sunny square has become shaded because of a nearby tree's growth. So.. it might be low-maintenance hostas for me.